plant based

Intuitive Recipe: Cold Lentil Salad

Cold Lentil salad

Cold Lentil salad

Living and growing up in Florida trained me to manage the hot and humid weather and so while most everyone around me was complaining and saying "I am hot," this past weekend, I happily embraced the rare muggy and intense heat. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that Saturday was my FIRST beach day in California, where I actually wore a bathing suit and went INTO the ocean.

I never, never thought that day would come but it did and it was a much needed and enlightening homecoming. It inspired me to think about my life in California and how long I'll really be able to live here. I am a beach and warm weather girl and know I will one day find my way back to a more tropical location to call HOME. There are lots of things I appreciate about California, like the most delicious and accessible produce, wild landscapes, and open and curious people, but I know in my heart California is not HOME for me. My body and mind and overall wellness thrive in warmer and wetter climates.

But for now I'm here in Berkeley and know there is work, good work, to be done.

So when the 100 degrees hit us last week I noticed one, and I realize it's a big one, difference between 100 degrees in Florida and 100 degrees in Berkeley. There is NO air conditioning here, or at least not in my modest cottage. So while the indoors, pools, and beaches are a respite in Florida, it's a little more difficult to cool off here in California. We bought fans and went to the beach, and ate cooling foods and drinks. 

I already shared my delicious dry farmed tomato gazpacho recipe and plan to add it to our "go-to" recipe list. Seriously, if you have never tried a dry farmed tomato, please go out and find one. They only water the tomatoes when they are planted, which results in a smaller and more flavorful tomato. Srsly, tho... it means business. 

Here is another fabulous cooling meal with LOTS of protein. The original recipe with exact amounts is here, but I used it mostly to gather key ingredients. If you've been reading my Intuitive Recipe posts, you'll know I am practicing my intuition by cooking from a place of "feeling" and with LOTS of taste tests.

It turned out perfect and much more filling than the gazpacho recipe. Did you know there are 18 grams of protein in one cup of boiled lentils? So if you are looking for a refreshing and protein-rich meal, this is your gal!

As always, please comment below with any questions or thoughts and if you find this recipe tasty, share with friends and family.

Light and Love,


Cold Lentil Salad Recipe

Remember, this is a guideline and it's purposefully vague. Practice your intuition, be playful, and do lots of taste tests! 


Green lentils, two bay leaves, some garlic, olive oil, salt, whole grain mustard, sherry vinegar, cucumbers, mint, tomatoes, pitted olives, and avocado.



Place lentils, garlic cloves, and bay leaves in a pot and pour water until it's covered by two inches. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat until it's a simmer and cook until the lentils are tender. Drain and chill in the refrigerator until cold. 

While the lentils are chilling, whisk together mustard, vinegar, salt and olive oil.

Chop up the cucumbers, mint, tomatoes, olives, and avocado.

When the lentils are cold, stir in the vegetables and dressing and there you have it! A deliciously cooling and filling meal for your hottest of days. 

The Conversation Continues: Eating Whole-Foods and Plants

I called my sister Madeline to see how her newly adopted plant-based diet was going. If you remember, Madeline inspired and encouraged me and my entire family to explore whole-foods and plants while eliminating meat, dairy, sugary and processed foods. We checked in yesterday and you'll never believe what she had to say!

Enjoy and comment below with any questions or thoughts! 

Light and Love,


Meredith: Hey, so it's been two months since we started this diet. How is going for you?

Madeline: Good. It's been really fun to learn more about plants- I had no idea there were so many varieties and tastes.

Meredith: I know, right? It's been fun for me too- going to the market and choosing the most colorful, vibrant, and enticing vegetables. I've also haven't ever really been into cooking so I've been enjoying my extra time in the kitchen. Have you noticed any changes in your life?

Madeline: Hmmm... a lot of people have been asking me if I've noticed any changes in my energy levels. To be honest, I'm young and I think I had pretty stable energy levels before this change in diet. On the other hand, Mom and Dad have noticed a lot more sustained energy throughout the day. The main, and pretty significant, difference in my life is how fast I can run now!

Meredith: What do you mean? How fast can you run? 

Madeline: Well, you know I run a lot and go on two 10 mile runs each week. I used to average 9:25 minute miles. But now... I average 8:10 minute miles. That is over one minute faster for each mile! I've shaved 10 minutes off my long runs.

Meredith: What?! That is insane. Do you contribute your increase in speed to the diet?

Madeline: I certainly think it has helped. I have made a few other changes in my life and in my training routine that I think have also play a part.

Meredith: What else are you doing differently?

Madeline: Well, I'm more consistent with my training. I created a more difficult and strategic training plan this summer and have stuck with it. I also started practicing yoga three times a week, which I think helps with sustainability and recovery. 

Meredith: Interesting- you know I'm not that into running, but I would be curious to see the plan you followed. Maybe you can send it to me?

Madeline: Yeah, sure. I also changed my post-run shake to align with my diet, which I think has played a huge role in recovery time. I noticed that I'm never sore!

Meredith: What is in your post-run shake?

Madeline: almond milk, Vega Sport Protein Powder, a handful of greens, one banana, frozen or fresh fruit, 1/2 teaspoon of chlorella powder, 1/2 teaspoon of Maca Powder, a heaping teaspoon of flax seeds, ice, and a drizzle of blue agave or honey for sweetness.

                Madeline's morning post-run shake

                Madeline's morning post-run shake

Meredith: What is chlorella and maca?

Madeline: Chlorella is an algae that contains 19 amino acids, making it a complete protein. It has the highest content of chlorophyl of all known plants, which acts to detox and oxygenate the body. I think chlorella has played a huge role in my speedy recoveries. And maca is a root that helps balance hormones and relieve stress. I think maca has helped me sustain my energy and intensity during long runs.

Meredith: Interesting, I'll have to look more into this. I wonder how you would modify this for someone who isn't as active as you are.

Madeline: I use Vega Sport Protein powder, but there is also a Vega One option that already has chlorella, maca, and flax among lots of other good things! I would recommend Vega One for anyone eating whole-foods and plants and the Vega Sport for anyone extra active, like me. I use the Vega Protein for extra muscle strength to support my running. In general, these smoothies are an easy way to make sure you are getting the proper spectrum and amounts of plant protein and amino acids. 

Meredith: Yes, it does seem like a quick and efficient way to get all the good things into your body. I've been doing a lot of cooking and do spend quite a bit more time in the kitchen than I did before. Ease and convenience seem to be major concerns for people who are interested, but hesitant to explore the plant-based diet. I know you and the rest of the family recently spent some time in the Florida Keys. Was it hard to travel on this diet?

Madeline: Surprisingly, not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. We didn't plan ahead and pack meals for the drive down, but we still managed to find protein-rich items at fast food restaurants likes Chipotle and even Wendy's! And when we ate out in the keys, the chefs were all very accommodating. 

Meredith: So you have managed to stay very active and travel on the whole-foods and plant-based diet. What would you recommend for someone who is curious, but overwhelmed by the idea of giving up meat and dairy?

Madeline: I would recommend learning all you can! Knowledge about animal protein vs. plant protein and their effects on the body was more than enough motivation for me to go all in. Like I mentioned before, Forks Over Knives is a great starting point and source of inspiration. 

Meredith: And I think curiosity is what made this approachable for me. I went in thinking this was an exploration, not a permanent change. I don't think I'll ever go back to eating meat as my main source of protein, but I could see myself eating locally caught fish or even pizza everyone once in a while. I feel energized, clean, and AWAKE when eating whole-foods and plants and that is what keeps me going. 

Madeline: Yes, this diet seems to support the the active and full lifestyle that I want to live. 

Meredith: You have been home for the summer, but are about to go back to college. I wonder how your school environment will effect this diet. Let's reconnect in a few weeks. 

Madeline: Yes, me too. Even though my school has good and healthy options, I do think I will blend my own smoothies and cook more in the communal kitchen. I'll feel it out and update you when I know more. Thanks for taking the time to listen, explore, and share my journey.

Meredith: Likewise- love you, sis! I'm very proud of and inspired by you and your commitment to your own well-being. 

A Conversation With My Sister: On A Whole Foods and Plant Based Diet

Farro bowl with fresh peas and pea shoots, radishes, and golden baby beets, all tossed with a spirited dressing

Farro bowl with fresh peas and pea shoots, radishes, and golden baby beets, all tossed with a spirited dressing

I recently sat down with my sister to discuss her recent decision to adopt a whole foods and plant based diet. I was initially skeptical, but after our conversation, I committed to giving it a try! In fact, my whole family is eating this way for the next two months.

Meredith: Break this down for me. I know a bit about veganism and vegetarianism, but this seems like something more. How would you start to describe a whole foods and plant based diet and what makes it different?

Madeline: This diet is essentially "vegan" in that it doesn't include any foods that derive from animals- no meat, no dairy, no eggs. However, it is not so much concerned with what you DON'T eat as much as it is interested in what you DO eat. There is a focus on eating nourishing foods derived from the ground- plants, legumes, grains, etc. It would technically be ok for vegetarians or vegans to eat sugary, processed, or fried foods but this is not true with the whole foods and plant based diet. 

Meredith: Ah, so no french fries?

Madeline: Exactly and I find that I don't even want "junk" food now that I have knowledge of how healing and nourishing plants are. I want to live a long and healthy life, which motivates me to eat this way. 

Meredith: Interesting. So would you agree this is a "selfish" diet? 

Madeline: That is one way of putting it. I know a lot of vegetarians and/or vegans choose to eat the way they do to save animals and the environment. My motivation certainly comes from a more "selfish" point in that I want to live a long and healthy life; however, my choice in diet also positively effects the animals and environment. 

Meredith: So it is a win-win sort of situation.

Madeline: Yes, and I think it is also a situation of taking responsibility for my body- for my health and for the health of the many generations to come after I am gone.

Meredith: Do you think our culture is not taking responsibility for their health? 

Madeline: I think people want to be healthy, but food is so accessible and life is so busy that it is really easy to make beef tacos or order pizza after a long day. I also think there are some myths about the importance of animal protein. The documentary Forks Over Knives is actually what inspired me to adopt this diet and they show how unnecessary and actually harming animal protein is!

Meredith: Yes, I've been wanting to talk about that documentary. Tell me about it- what inspired you so?

Madeline: There was so much DATA! Nearly 20 years of research on the effects of animal protein- leading to heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure and cholesterol, weight gain, early menstruation and menopause, and general grogginess. It highlighted cultures that eat very little meat- only bits for condiments and flavor and after seeing the numbers, the experiments, the data, I couldn't not see anymore. The research made it very clear to me: meat and dairy, in the way most americans consume it, is very unhealthy. Please watch it. It is available on Netflix right now.

Meredith: Haha, ok, I will. One last question because I know you run a lot- you log something like 40 miles a week. You find that this plant based diet gives you enough energy and protein to keep up?

Madeline: YES- absolutely. Legumes and grains like farro and quinoa are packed with protein! I haven't had any issue. Watch the documentary and you'll see.

Meredith: Ok, ok- it's on my list. Thank you for sitting down with me and telling me a bit more about this diet. I have to say, I am curious and look forward to watching Forks Over Knives.

Madeline and Meredith

Madeline and Meredith

It's been nearly three weeks since this conversation and since I also started eating a whole foods and plant based diet. I have to say, I LOVE it! I feel so fresh, light, and energized and the food is so delicious and filling. I'm not sure if I'll ever meat like I did before.

Herbed chickpeas for savory snack!

Herbed chickpeas for savory snack!